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Confused by all the parenting resources? Looking for the definitive voice? Let our experts cut through the noise. Subscribe to the Bright Horizons® podcast, "Teach. Play. Love. Parenting Advice for the Early Years." Listen as parents and early childhood educators come together to cull the competing advice, separate fact from fiction, and focus on what does – and doesn’t – matter during these early years. Be more confident, have less worry…and let Bright Horizons help make parenting the joy it was meant to be.

Mar 27, 2019

Full schedules and little downtime can cause stress for everyone — including children — but practicing mindfulness can help. How? Find out from Rachel Robertson, education and development vice president, and Ruth Fidino, learning and development director. They’ll cover the many benefits of being mindful, how to pay attention on purpose, and how to use activities, such as Shake the Sillies Out and Mind Bubbles, to help children manage emotions.